The Mother Seton Academy program responds to the needs of the whole child. We are a tuition-free, Catholic middle school for low-income boys and girls in Baltimore and we challenge our students to realize their God-given talents and become leaders who serve their families, communities and society. Our short-term goal is to have all students graduate 8th grade on or above grade-level. Our longer-term goal is to have all of our students graduate from college.
To achieve these goals, our students attend school from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Our traditional school day runs from 8 a.m. until 3:15 p.m., and our extended day programs run from 3:15 until 5 p.m. Our program includes a rigorous and well-rounded academic program, an extended-day program, athletics, and a Campus Ministry program.
“Mother Seton Academy has led me in the right direction to a better future.”