We offer a wide variety of ways to gift MSA, including easy ways to donate online.

If you shop on Amazon.com, you can help support Mother Seton Academy. Simply click here to access Amazon Smile.

We have also compiled a list of items that would benefit our school and welcome any donation from our wish list at any time during the school year. This list can be viewed here.

Your Annual Fund donation ensures Mother Seton can remain a safe, caring educational community – a sanctuary among neighborhoods where families are increasingly impacted by poverty, crime and violence. From early morning when the students arrive until early evening when the after-school program ends, Mother Seton Academy has been successful in supporting these children at a pivotal point in their lives – middle school – and surrounding them with people that can help them toward a successful future. Click here to give online to the annual fund. Every gift – no matter the size – touches the lives of our students.

By making the thoughtful decision to include the future of our students in your estate planning, you will help ensure that Mother Seton Academy is financially strong and academically excellent for generations to come. A meaningful and simple way to continue your legacy is through a bequest to Mother Seton Academy. Suggested language for gifts through your will to Mother Seton Academy are available by clicking here.

Please let us know if you have chosen to make a bequest or other deferred gift to Mother Seton Academy. We want to be able to thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity today for your gift that will impact so many in the future. Please be sure to talk with your financial and/or legal adviser to review your individual circumstances and objectives, and how a gift to Mother Seton Academy may affect other provisions for your family, as well as planning for your maximum tax benefits.

Please make your check payable to Mother Seton Academy and mail it to:

Mother Seton Academy
2215 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21218

You can give a one-time gift or give monthly by making a secure credit card donation online or via phone by calling the development office at 410-563-2833.

Online Donation Options:

Donate Online

Donate with PayPal

Your gift can take on a special, personal meaning when you choose to make it in honor of someone special, to celebrate a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one. When you make your gift, provide the name(s) of the person/people you wish to honor/remember, along with the name and address of the person or family you would like to be notified of your generosity. We will make sure to acknowledge your thoughtfulness.

There are many ways to make a planned gift that offers some live income. Please contact our development office at 410-563-2833 x224 to learn how you may benefit from a gift to Mother Seton Academy, as well as providing for the future of our student.

Many employers will match your gift to Mother Seton Academy – meaning your gift will be twice as helpful to our efforts of providing students a tuition-free Catholic school education. Check with your human resources department to see if your gift can be matched. Most companies ask you to complete and return a short form.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable remainder trusts are attractive to many because of the wide range of assets that may be donated: publicly traded securities, real estate, collectibles and more. These trusts are individually invested and can be tailored to your personal situation. Charitable remainder trusts may be established to provide lifetime income for you and/or others, or for a set number of years (maximum 20 years). After the trust terminates, all or a portion of the remaining trust principal is received by Mother Seton Academy. You are also entitled to substantial tax and financial benefits when you establish a charitable remainder trust.

If you would like to learn more about how you and Mother Seton Academy can benefit from a charitable remainder trust, please contact the development office at 410-563-2833.

Gifts of Real Estate

Your home, vacation home or other real property may have increased in value considerably over the years, thereby increasing your capital gains tax exposure if you were to sell the property. By making a gift of this property to Mother Seton Academy, you may benefit from an avoidance of capital gains tax liability and receive an income tax deduction on the gift of the property. Additionally, you may be relieved of the carrying costs associated with your real estate (e.g. property taxes, insurance, maintenance).

If you would like to learn more about how you and Mother Seton Academy can benefit from a gift of your real estate, please contact the development office at 410-563-2833.

In honor of Sister Peggy’s lasting impact on our school, we have established “The President’s Fund” which will support our students’ tuition-free, Catholic education.

We invite you to support this fund by visiting: http://www.mothersetonacademy.org/presidentsfund

You can help to change the lives of our students in a variety of ways. Individuals, groups, families, parishes, churches, foundations, corporations or other organizations are asked to partner with Mother Seton Academy to make a difference for our students. Your commitment to any of these partnership levels gives deserving students the opportunity for success.

  • Full Sponsor: $36,000 to fund a full scholarship for a student for all three academic years;
  • Annual Sponsor: $12,000 to fund a full scholarship for a student for one academic year; [One Time Payment Form] [Monthly Payment Form]
  • Half Sponsor: $6,000 to fund a partial scholarship for a student for one academic year;
  • After-School Sponsor: $3,000 will provide for the after-school programs for a student for one academic year;
  • Graduate Support Sponsor: $2,000 to provide for the graduate support for one Mother Seton Academy student;
  • Summer Program Sponsor: $1,500 to provide for the summer program for a student for one academic year.

To show our appreciation for your scholarship support, you will be invited to meet the students at special school and social events during the year. If you are interested in making a scholarship sponsor gift, call the development office at 410-563-2833 or click here to donate online.

Direct your stock transfers to:

Charles Schwab
DTC #0164
Account Number 4843-2713
Mother Seton Academy 

Please notify Mother Seton Academy of your stock transfer by sending an email to Jon Luca (jluca@mothersetonacademy.org) including your name, address, the name of the security, and the number of shares transferred. If you have any questions, please call the development office at 410-563-2833.

Please designate Mother Seton Academy when you shop at your local Giant or online at Peapod. Here is how it works:

  1. A+ BonusBucks runs from October through March
  2. Each year, you must re-designate Mother Seton Academy as the recipient of your Giant purchases. This can be done at www.giantfood.com/aplus by clicking on designate schools.
  3. MSA’s designation number is 02934

A portion of every purchase from Target, Safeway, and Macy’s can be designated to help support MSA. Please remember to re-enroll each school year. Target and Target Visa cards can be designated to support Mother Seton at www.target.com/tcoe (Our ID# is 1961). Safeway and credit cards can be enrolled through www.escrip.com (Our ID# is 6539894).

We also collect used cell phones, toner and ink cartridges, and box tops labels throughout the school year.

Mother Seton Academy accepts wire transfers. For instructions, please contact development office at 410-563-2833 or development@mothersetonacademy.org.

If you are a federal or state employee, consider designating Mother Seton Academy as the charity to receive you workplace giving contributions. For the Combined Charity Campaign (CCC), just write our code #4569. For the Maryland Charity Campaign, use our code #9201.

If your employer participates in the United Way Campaign, you can designate Mother Seton Academy for your pledge. Just provide the following address:

Mother Seton Academy
2215 Greenmount Avenue
Baltimore, MD  21218.

“Mother Seton Academy has been a place of refuge during challenging times and is now a network of people who continuously support and encourage me.”

Ricardo Johnson '99