Mother Seton Academy is a tuition-free, independent Catholic Middle School located in Baltimore City. Mother Seton Academy serves over 80 boys and girls, grades 6 through 8, from underserved, low-income families of all faiths and cultures. Over three years, our students advance academically, explore their interests and acquire life skills. They participate in sports, clubs and community service, and find ways to express themselves through art and music. The values our students develop at Mother Seton Academy guide their choices, actions and decisions into the future.

Through a comprehensive Graduate Support Program, our students graduate to quality high schools and then matriculate to colleges or universities. In partnership with our families, Mother Seton Academy is committed to each student’s total development—academic, social, physical, spiritual and emotional—by emphasizing serious study and personal responsibility.

Empowered by Gospel values and rooted in the tradition of Catholic Education, Mother Seton Academy educates in a multicultural environment those with the greatest economic need. Promoting dignity and respect for each person, Mother Seton Academy challenges its students to realize their God-given talents and become leaders who serve their families, communities and society.

Mother Seton Academy is a tuition-free middle school rooted in the Gospel tradition of Catholic education with a belief that every student deserves the opportunity to become their most authentic self. We provide an inclusive education to underserved families that meets each child’s individual needs and nurtures their unique aspirations regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, or economic status. The school provides the support and structure needed to deliver a holistic education that values academic excellence, empathy, equity, and community. With care and support, students at Mother Seton Academy learn how vital they are to their cultures, communities, and society.

Enriched by a tradition of selfless effort and heartfelt commitment on the part of the Sponsoring Religious Congregations to the youth of Baltimore, Mother Seton Academy will provide a holistic, multicultural approach to middle school education for an urban population confronted daily with influences that limit their ability to develop their full potential. Mother Seton Academy students will be given the opportunity to develop as women and men who are socially and globally conscious, ready to become productive and morally responsible leaders with vision and purpose for their lives, families and communities.

In 1991, the provincial leaders of the religious congregations within the Archdiocese of Baltimore endorsed an innovative educational project, involving collaboration among several religious congregations. They appointed a task force to investigate this idea and formulate a plan to meet the academic and social needs of low-income middle school children often prohibited from attending costly Catholic schools. Utilizing the successful Nativity School model and adapting it to meet the specific needs of Baltimore, the vision for Mother Seton Academy was born. Named after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of the first tuition-free Catholic school in Baltimore, Maryland, Mother Seton Academy would also become a tuition-free Catholic school providing quality education to the children of Baltimore.

No individual religious community had the resources to undertake such a project alone, so it became a collaborative effort among six religious congregations with long traditions of service to Baltimore. As a result, Mother Seton Academy opened in the fall of 1993 with its first class of 20 sixth-grade students. After a successful capital campaign in 2008, Mother Seton Academy completely renovated the former St. Ann School located at 2215 Greenmount Avenue as its permanent home and opened its doors to 68 students on September 2, 2009. Today, the Academy educates over 80 students in grades six, seven, and eight from all faiths and cultures each year.

Sponsoring Congregations

The sponsoring religious communities for Mother Seton Academy are:

A Day at Mother Seton video

“Mother Seton Academy has meant love, success, and an undying passion for education.”

Dennis Neal '99

Thank you to the students at Loyola University Maryland who created this video.